2021 Communist China = USSR on Technological Steroids

Excerpts from the video:

The [CCP] government is very strict with our data, as far as I know. I trust them.

^ Here’s a hint: The Chinese Communist Party does not trust YOU in return.

China’s state media boasts that police can identify every single person on the street in just one second.

^ Communist China: The World’s Largest Outdoor Prison

Well, it’s a bit embarrassing. I don’t want to admit how fast the time flies by [on my smartphone]. I have the feeling [that] you don’t just look at one or two videos. You endlessly scroll through.

^ It’s not just a feeling. It’s reality. You DO endlessly scroll through.

Videos [posted to TikTok] that are critical of [Communist] China don’t stand a chance.

^ No kidding!

[Communist] China has completely de-emphasized privacy and freedom of movement during the [Wuhan-virus] pandemic.

^ Communist China began “de-emphasizing” privacy and freedom of movement MANY years earlier.

When the [apartment] door’s [CCP] sensor registers people leaving the apartment in violation of the rules, we’re alerted. District staff and the health department are then informed and can respond quickly. … Criticism or resistance among the population is virtually nonexistent.

^ This sounds like Melbourne, Australia!

The family leaves a trail of digital footprints everywhere it goes.

^ This upper-middle-class family does not care, given that it benefits from the CCP’s stranglehold over Communist China.

[Communist] China wants obedient citizens.

^ All Communist governments want full control of their citizens.

You can control all [Xiaomi] devices on your smartphone.

^ Translation: The CCP can control your use of all Xiaomi devices.

…the [Communist Chinese] state always knows who’s coming and who’s going.

^ Humans are chattel in Communist China.