Communists in 2021 again want to take over Poland.

Belarus is training and arming Afghan and Iraqi fighters to launch “terrorist” attacks against Europe, a one-time senior Belarussian politician now living in exile has claimed. Quasi-Stalinist and Kremlin-adjacent Belarus has flown Afghan and Iraqi citizens who are veterans of the wars there, as well as planeloads of captured weapons to Europe and is giving them extra training in preparation for making attacks against European nations, according to alarming new claims from a Belarussian politician living in exile. If true, the claims would dramatically underline the threat of having a rogue state willing to engage in state-sponsored terrorism on Europe’s borders. The news of the alleged attack plot comes from the former Belarussian ambassador and government minister Pavel Latushka, who served in the Lukashenko regime until 2019 but fled to Poland in 2020 for his own safety, as the Belarussian government cracked down on dissidents amid a contested ‘election’. Latushka is the leader of a ‘shadow government’ in exile which campaigns for a peaceful transition of power away from Alexander Lukashenko, the first and so far only president of Belarus since the end of the Soviet Union.

Notice that Michael Carpenter (@mikercarpenter), Joe Biden’s U.S. ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (@OSCE), did not respond to or even retweet the November-8 tweet from StanisÅ‚aw Å»aryn (@StZaryn), Poland’s Spokesperson of the Minister-Special Services Coordinator, and instead tweeted only this on November 11: