RFK Jr. calls out NIH for using Soviet-style template for silencing dissident scientists.

NIH’s influenza and flu vaccine expert senior bacteriologist and virologist Dr. John Anthony Morris informed his HHS bosses that the [1976 swine-]flu scare was a farce and that NIAID’s campaign was a boondoggle to promote a dangerous and ineffective flu vaccine for a greedy industry. … The same weapons that NIH used to silence Dr. Morris–enforced isolation, disgrace, prohibiting him from publishing papers, presenting at conferences, or talking to the press, changing his laboratory locks to prevent further research–were already pieces of an established Soviet-style template for silencing dissident scientists at NIH.

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., pp 358-360