This is how CRT gets in the schools (high school in Pennsylvania in this case). A math lesson is retooled through social theory examples and serves as the basis for the Theory-based discussions that follow. The Soviets did it this way too. This is Freirean.
— James Lindsay, full varsity (@ConceptualJames) March 22, 2022
Freire claimed to be teaching adult literacy to peasants in impoverished Brazil, Chile, and Argentina, but he was really retooling "literacy" to mean Marxist political literacy, i.e., critical consciousness. He hijacked adult literacy programs to turn them to Marxism, explicitly.
— James Lindsay, full varsity (@ConceptualJames) March 22, 2022
This is the codification of this approach in a Seattle mathematics education policy document from 2019 outlining exactly these goals in Seattle (and Washington?) math education. This framework has been copied down the West Coast and is clearly implemented even in PA now.
— James Lindsay, full varsity (@ConceptualJames) March 22, 2022