Another Way that CCP-Endorsed CBDC Threatens American Liberty

Dennis Prager likes to say that trinities govern the West.

  • Christians have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • Jews have God, Torah, and Israel.
  • Communists have race, gender, and class.
  • America has Liberty, In God We Trust, and E Pluribus Unum.

Dennis reminds listeners and readers that they can find the American trinity on U.S. currency.

What happens, though, when our financial transactions don’t involve hard currency? The message of the American trinity shrinks in our daily lives.

Many Americans today behave as if the USA has a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and not cash. We auto-pay bills, get paid by direct deposit, and use credit & debit cards, Venmo, and Zelle.

With its new limits on ATM withdrawals, Nigeria is on its way to replacing its currency with CBDC.

When CBDC replaces hard cash, a government tracks all income and spending by its citizens. This lets it control their income and spending. The result matches the CCP’s social-credit-score system. This explains why the CCP endorses CBDC.

Imagine if the USA were to switch from hard cash to CBDC. Beyond CBDC’s massive threat to individual liberty, Americans would lose something else.

The American-trinity message — including Liberty — would disappear from everyday life.