Communists censor by hook or by crook.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald explained this well:

It’s very easy [for “America First” politicians] to talk about censorship in Beijing or Havana. But, what about right in front of your noses, right down the street at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? And, I think that’s exactly [what] the point is. You know you have what is generally an act of censorship by the state. And, there’s case law that says that, if the government coerces private actors to do the kind of censorship that the government can’t do, that in itself becomes unconstitutional. Remember, the Executive Branch has huge power over Facebook and these other companies. So, when they make “suggestions” about the list of people [whom] they want banned, [then] of course it’s not a suggestion. It’s coercion, and the law says that that is a free-speech issue because the government is engaging in the type of censorship [that] they couldn’t do on their own by pressuring private actors to do it for them.

Tucker Carlson Tonight, 16 July 2021

Here’s an example of President Biden’s coercion of social-media platforms:

Communists censor by hook or by crook.