Obama bureaucrat promotes medical Marxism.

Karl Marx alleged in The Communist Manifesto that there was a class struggle between owners of the means of production, whom Marx saw as the oppressors, and the workers, whom Marx saw as the oppressed.

We can call this traditional Marxism.

BLM alleges that there is a race struggle between people who are not black, whom BLM sees as the oppressors, and blacks, whom BLM sees as the oppressed.

We can call this racial Marxism.

Now we have this tweet about an article in The Atlantic by Juliette Kayyem, a former assistant secretary for homeland security under President Barack Obama:

The Atlantic originally titled it “Unvaccinated People Belong on the No-Fly List” but retitled it to “Unvaccinated People Need to Bear the Burden” instead.

No matter the article’s title, Kayyem implies that there is a vaccination struggle between airline passengers who are not vaccinated for COVID-19, whom she sees as the oppressors, and airline passengers who are vaccinated for COVID-19, whom she sees as the oppressed.

We should call this medical Marxism.