Communists don’t believe in charities.

Greed crosses partisan lines, but the same vaunted “studies” that liberals so often invoke reveal the Left to be greedier than the Right. Even the New York Times has admitted that Republican counties give more to charity than those under Democrat control. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, the two most radical candidates of the 2020 [U.S.] presidential primaries, may rail against the “millionaires and billionaires” who allegedly refuse to “pay their fair share,” but for decades both millionaire politicians have refused to give much of anything to charity themselves. Bernie has made his stinginess a point of pride. In 1981, the Vermont socialist told the New York Times, “I don’t believe in charities,” preferring instead a government-takeover of almsgiving.

Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds, by Michael Knowles, p 155