Read the article here.
Author Archives: Kirk Mahoney
Communist Politicians Hate the Catholic Church
Communists see Judaism and Christianity as competition. For yet another example, read “Nicaraguan Dictator Daniel Ortega Closes Two Catholic Universities” at
“Teach Your Children Well – About Communism”
Read at The American Spectator how Virginia Democrats and teachers unions killed any thought of a Victims of Communism Day.
“Xi Jinping ‘Unanimously’ ‘Elected’ President of China Again”
Read the article here.
U.S. Representative Al Green Promotes “Listening Session” on CCP Ownership of Land in USA
Notice that Rep. Green’s “listening session” title refers to the land-ownership bills as “Discriminatory” — where in this case being discriminating is bad, not something that would be good for the USA when it comes to foreign ownership of domestic land (such as blocking the CCP from owning land in the USA).
Ford Seeks Patent that Will Extend Social-Credit Control to Cars
Read the article here.
Discover Card to Track Users CCP-Style!
Read “Discover Card to Begin Tracking Gun Purchases in April” at