Read the article here.
Author Archives: Kirk Mahoney
Meet Stacey, Communist in Training!
“GOP Lawmakers Question Blinken, Garland Over CCP Police Station in New York”
Read The Epoch Times article here.
Solzhenitsyn’s “Loyalists” Are Today’s COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Enforcers
Look at how what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote about “loyalists” matches today’s COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ enforcers — people who never will change their minds, no matter how much counter-evidence becomes available: What does the loyalists’ lofty truth consist of? Simply that they do not want to renounce a single one of their former values or accept a …
Continue reading “Solzhenitsyn’s “Loyalists” Are Today’s COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Enforcers”
“‘Will Be Taught a Lesson’: CCP Mouthpiece Threatens Elon Musk”
Read the article here.
“Why I Use The Word Treason When Confronting Flag Officers Who Push The Covid Gene Serums For Communist China”
Read the Armed Forces Press article here.
Dear Libertarians: “…when you split the anti-socialist vote, the socialist wins.”
Read the American Greatness article “Will Libertarian Candidates Again Deny GOP the U.S. Senate?” here.