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Author Archives: Kirk Mahoney
“Germany to Introduce ‘China-Style’ Colour-Coded Vaccine Status App”
Read the article here.
“‘No Longer Muzzled’: Whole Foods Founder Issues Dire Warning About Socialists”
Read the article here.
California School District Pays Off Teacher Caught Indoctrinating Students into Communism
The district investigation found that Gipe created his own AP Government curriculum that focused on communism where they referred to communist leaders as “Papa Lenin” and “Daddy Marx,” the Sacramento Bee reported. “California Teacher with Antifa Ties Paid Thousands to Resign”, Daily Caller, 10 August 2022
“China Says U.S. Is ‘Hostile to Islamic Civilization’ While Committing Genocide Against Muslims”
Read the article here.
“What you need to know about China buying real estate in Florida”
“Apple Bows to China, Warns Taiwan Suppliers: Comply with China Label Rule”
Read the article here.