Author Archives: Kirk Mahoney
Owners of Ottawa’s Iconic Café Blocked Communist Justin Trudeau’s Bullies
The owners of Iconic Café in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, won when they stood firm on February 20, 2022, against the cops who attempted to shut their doors at the behest of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Canberra Communists Use Directed-Energy Weapons Against Peaceful Protesters
Read more here. Update: Read confirmation by police of these claims here.
U.S. Department of Defense Hosted Event for Tossing in the Towel Against the Chinese Communist Party
You don’t believe it? Read this invitation for the “Responding to China: The Case for Global Justice and Democratic Socialism” speech at National Defense University on 16 February 2022, which includes this nugget: “If they stick to their usual lecturing posture and a dated hyper-capitalist model, Western countries may find it extremely difficult to meet the …