Communist politicians thrive in Latin America — by dictatorial force.

Prior to the current election, Nicaraguan state security arrested seven presidential candidates on dubious charges of “treason,” leaving [Daniel] Ortega to compete only against small, friendly left-wing opposition parties. The Sandinista regime prevented legitimate international actors from observing the election, opting instead for far-left “companion” individuals and entities who lauded Sunday’s election as a success …

Communists blame others for their own “wrecking” of an economy.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in The Gulag Archipelago covers in great detail how Joseph Stalin had his Chief Prosecutor Krylenko go after engineers for the crime of “wrecking” the Soviet economy. Wrecking to Stalin and Krylenko could mean going too quickly on a project OR going too slowly on a project. President Joseph Biden wrecked the the …