Communists love abortions and sterilizations.

India’s leftist prime minister Indira Ghandi enforced policies that required sterilization in order to access water, electricity, ration cards, and medical care. Communist China embraced the “one-child policy,” which led to upwards of 100 million forced abortions and sterilizations. Despite these atrocities, the world population continued to grow, but world hunger declined. … Al Gore …

Communists invert standards of beauty and behavior.

Conservatives come in all shapes and sizes, but they tend to acknowledge health and moderation as worthy goals, while politically correct radicals in recent years have peddled “body positivity” and “fat pride.” The “fat acceptance movement,” like so many other radical identity campaigns, began during the late 1960s. Every polite person eschews mocking the appearance …

Communists don’t believe in charities.

Greed crosses partisan lines, but the same vaunted “studies” that liberals so often invoke reveal the Left to be greedier than the Right. Even the New York Times has admitted that Republican counties give more to charity than those under Democrat control. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, the two most radical candidates of the 2020 …

Communists make pride their paramount virtue.

Whittaker Chambers pointed out that communism was not a novel ideology. “It is not new,” wrote Chambers. “It is, in fact, man’s second oldest faith. Its promise was whispered in the first days of the Creation under the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: ‘Ye shall be as gods.’” Chambers called communism “the great …