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Author Archives: Kirk Mahoney
“My Socialist Hell: When Your Dictators Double as TV Superstars”
Read the article here.
“Venezuela Socialist President Maduro Annexes Part of Guyana”
Read the article here.
“The Permanent Lie”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s description of “the permanent lie” in The Gulag Archipelago is eerily similar to how one can describe the lies by Big Pharma, the Biden administration, corporate medicine, and legacy media about COVID-19 so-called “vaccines” and the adverse events resulting from those shots, as well as about lockdowns, masks, and social distancing. The permanent lie …
“Soul Mange”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described “soul mange” in The Gulag Archipelago. And in addition you are constantly gripped by fear: of slipping off even that pitifully low level to which you are clinging, of losing your work which is still not the hardest, of coming a cropper on a prisoner transport, of ending up in a Strict Regimen …
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn on Good and Evil
Look at what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in The Gulag Archipelago about good and evil. For a good person even a crust is healthy food, and to an evil person even meat brings no benefit. The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 2, p 610 Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through …
How Gulag Camps Proved Economically Profitable
Look at what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in The Gulag Archipelago about how Gulag camps proved economically profitable. The reason why the camps proved economically profitable had been foreseen as far back as Thomas More, the great-grandfather of socialism, in his Utopia. The labor of the zeks was needed for degrading and particularly heavy work, which …
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