Communists blur the distinctions between men and women.

Communists love to blur the distinctions between men and women because they see humans in a utilitarian way — as interchangeable cogs in a collective machine, not as individuals made in the image of God. Communists are taking over a country when a candidate for that country’s highest court cannot provide a definition for the …

Western Values Threaten Communists and Former Communists

It rankles Mr. Putin that Ukraine would seek to join the West not merely because he wants it as a satellite state. He also can’t afford to allow life to a neighboring Slav state which has even a smidgen of democratic development. His Russian people might get dangerous ideas. It’s not Western arms that threaten …

Solzhenitsyn Warned about the Interdependency of Lies and Violence

Look at what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote about the interdependency of lies (he called them “falsehood”) and violence: We shall be told: what can literature possibly do against the ruthless onslaught of open violence? But let us not forget that violence does not live alone and is not capable of living alone: it is necessarily interwoven …

Solzhenitsyn Warned about the Danger of Censorship

Look at what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote about censorship: Contemporary science knows that suppression of information leads to entropy and total destruction. Suppression of information renders international signatures and agreements illusory; within a muffled zone it costs nothing to reinterpret any agreement, even simpler–to forget it, as though it had never really existed. (Orwell understood this …