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Category Archives: Politics
“Venezuela Socialist President Maduro Annexes Part of Guyana”
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How Gulag Camps Proved Economically Profitable
Look at what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in The Gulag Archipelago about how Gulag camps proved economically profitable. The reason why the camps proved economically profitable had been foreseen as far back as Thomas More, the great-grandfather of socialism, in his Utopia. The labor of the zeks was needed for degrading and particularly heavy work, which …
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“‘I’m on the Right Side of History,’ Thinks College Student in Front of Dorm Posters of Stalin, Hitler, Osama Bin Laden”
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“DeSantis Rips Tech Execs for ‘Groveling’ to CCP Dictator Xi Jinping: ‘Empowering an Adversary’”
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“Biden Regime Removes All American Flags for China President Xi’s Visit”
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“Gavin Newsom Commits California to ‘Cooperate’ with China on Climate Crisis”
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