Read the article here.
“China’s Greatest Weapon: TikTok Pushes Suicide Videos on 13-Year-Olds”
Read the article here.
“Janet Yellen’s Policy Would Destroy Small US Banks While Bailing Out Chinese Depositors, Experts Say”
Read the article here.
“China’s New World Order”
Read the article here.
“Venezuela’s Maduro Commits to Building ‘Alternative to Savage Capitalism’ with China”
Read the article here.
The CCP wants to disarm American citizens? No kidding!
Read’s “Chinese site claims US needs to be free of “tyranny” of guns” article here.
Communists should prove themselves the most politically conscious leaders in this war. Every Communist must grasp the truth, “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party.
From Mao Zedong’s concluding speech at the sixth Plenary Session of the CCP’s 6th Central Committee, 6 November 1938
“ChatGPT Answers Questions on Tiananmen Square, Dalai Lama Differently in Chinese”
Read the article here.