Part 2
— Prof. Freedom (@prof_freedom) October 9, 2022
“GOP Lawmakers Question Blinken, Garland Over CCP Police Station in New York”
Read The Epoch Times article here.
Solzhenitsyn’s “Loyalists” Are Today’s COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Enforcers
Look at how what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote about “loyalists” matches today’s COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ enforcers — people who never will change their minds, no matter how much counter-evidence becomes available:
What does the loyalists’ lofty truth consist of? Simply that they do not want to renounce a single one of their former values or accept a single new one. Let life gush over them, surge over them, and even roll over them with wheels–still they won’t let it into their heads! They won’t accept it, as though it weren’t happening at all! This reluctance to change anything inside their own brains, this simple inability to make a critical assessment of their life’s experience, is what they pride themselves on!
The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 2, p 336
“‘Will Be Taught a Lesson’: CCP Mouthpiece Threatens Elon Musk”
Read the article here.
“Why I Use The Word Treason When Confronting Flag Officers Who Push The Covid Gene Serums For Communist China”
Read the Armed Forces Press article here.
Dear Libertarians: “…when you split the anti-socialist vote, the socialist wins.”
Read the American Greatness article “Will Libertarian Candidates Again Deny GOP the U.S. Senate?” here.
“Cuba: Communists Arrest Dozens, Including 12-Year-Old, During Hurricane Protests”
Read the article here.