Sometimes Hollywood Does NOT Bend to the CCP

It looked in 2019 as if the movie Top Gun: Maverick would bend to the will of the Chinese Communist Party:

But, when Top Gun: Maverick got released three years later, the Japanese and Taiwanese flags had returned to Maverick’s leather jacket:

“We have freedom until we don’t.”

Read more here.

Soviets were serial re-branders.

Beware! Communists may be in charge of your government, if they keep re-branding their departments. Consider, for example, this passage from The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn:

In the People’s Commissariat of Justice there was the Prison Administration (December, 1917), then the Central Penal Department (May, 1918) with a network of Provincial Penal Departments and even congresses of them (September, 1920), and this was made to sound better as the Central Corrective Labor Department (1921).

The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 2, pp 22-23