A Prison, No Matter What the Soviets Called It

Communists use words not only to obscure what they are doing but also to make others play catch-up with respect to what they are doing. For example, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in his book The Gulag Archipelago about how the Soviets had many names for prisons:

Year after year other forms of existence for prisoners were also tried, in a search for something better: for those who were not dangerous and not politically hostile there were labor colonies, corrective-labor homes (from 1922), reformatories (from 1923), homes for confinement, labor homes (from 1924), labor homes for juvenile offenders; and for politically hostile prisoners there were detention prisons (from 1922), and from 1923 on[ward] Special Purpose Isolators (the former “Centrals” and the future Special Purpose Prisons or TON’s). [emphasis added]

The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 2, p 21

Communists Hide the Truth with Euphemisms

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in his book The Gulag Archipelago about how the Soviets avoided the term prisoners:

The population of Ryazan [the location of a concentration camp set up in a former nunnery (Kazansky)] was very sympathetic toward the deprivees, as they were called. (Officially they were called not prisoners but “persons deprived of freedom.”)

The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 2, p 20