Communists want to convince you of your own misery.

“Consciousness-raising” derives from the Marxist concept of “false consciousness,” a phrase that Friedrich Engels coined in an 1893 letter to the Communist historian Franz Mehring. Gramsci, Marcuse, and countless other Marxists intellectuals in and out of the Frankfurt School have relied on the concept to explain why the oppressed masses seem so much better adjusted than the theorists who write about them. The radicals think they understand the little guy better than he understands himself, and they intend to convince him of his own misery.

Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds, by Michael Knowles, p 75

U.S. Attorney General instructs FBI to change name to KGB.

Communists reclassify things to justify ever-increasing censorship.

Social media has become the vanguard for big tech’s censorship of any journalism, science, or free speech which challenges the narratives cast by the governments and their mainstream media conduits through big tech’s hegemony. … Now, Telegram takes center stage as the most recent target of this assault against free speech. German government officials have recently called for the messaging app to be reclassified as a social media platform so that it can be subject to strict regulations set forth under the country’s Network Enforcement Act. According to the German government the act which was signed into law in 2017 “aims to combat hate crime, criminal fake news and other criminal content on social media platforms more effectively.”