The Soviet Union’s Ministry of State Security had its own cancel culture.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn recognized that the Ministry of State Security–the Organs–in the Soviet Union purged members regularly and explained why they did this:

The waves were generated by the Organs’ hidden law of self-renewal–a small periodic ritual sacrifice so that the rest could take on the appearance of being purified. The Organs had to change personnel faster than the normal rate of human growth and aging would ensure. Driven by that same implacable urgency that forces the sturgeon to swim upriver and perish in the shallows, to be replaced by schools of small fry, a certain number of “schools” of gaybisty had to sacrifice themselves. This law was easily apparent to a higher intelligence, but the bluecaps [enforcers] themselves did not want to accept the fact of its existence and make provision for it. Yet, at the hour appointed in their stars, the kings of the Organs, the aces of the Organs, and even the ministers themselves laid their heads down beneath their own guillotine.

The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 1, p 156

“Gaybíst,” which is pronounced “gay-beest,” with the accent on the last syllable, is derived from the letters “g” and “b” standing for State Security.

The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 1, p 618

Cancel culture among American leftists today echoes this “periodic ritual sacrifice” so that the non-cancelled leftists can take on a purified appearance.

In today’s language, the Soviet Union’s Ministry of State Security had its own cancel culture.

The International Olympics Committee endorses communism in Japan.

The International Olympics Committee omitted a national flag in this Tokyo 2020 Olympics tweet about the Judo Men’s 60kg medal-winners:

The missing flag is for the silver-medalist, who is from Taiwan, officially the Republic of China.

The International Olympics Committee endorses communism in Japan.

Communists censor by hook or by crook.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald explained this well:

It’s very easy [for “America First” politicians] to talk about censorship in Beijing or Havana. But, what about right in front of your noses, right down the street at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? And, I think that’s exactly [what] the point is. You know you have what is generally an act of censorship by the state. And, there’s case law that says that, if the government coerces private actors to do the kind of censorship that the government can’t do, that in itself becomes unconstitutional. Remember, the Executive Branch has huge power over Facebook and these other companies. So, when they make “suggestions” about the list of people [whom] they want banned, [then] of course it’s not a suggestion. It’s coercion, and the law says that that is a free-speech issue because the government is engaging in the type of censorship [that] they couldn’t do on their own by pressuring private actors to do it for them.

Tucker Carlson Tonight, 16 July 2021

Here’s an example of President Biden’s coercion of social-media platforms:

Communists censor by hook or by crook.

U.S. Surgeon General goes full-bore communist.

Remember: “Misinformation” is Communist-speak for the truth.

COVID-19 Gives Cover to Communists

Frances Martel reported at on July 15, 2021:

The Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), the Americas subsidiary of the World Health Organization (W.H.O.), discouraged anti-communist protests in Cuba in a statement Wednesday, claiming they elevate the risk of spreading Chinese coronavirus. PAHO’s statement appeared to contradict the W.H.O.’s active support of riots in the United States throughout summer 2020 in response to alleged racism in the country. At the time, W.H.O. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus responded to mass assemblies of people, many of them violent, by asserting that his agency “fully supports equality and the global movement against racism.”

W.H.O.’s discouragement of anti-communist protests in Cuba is yet more proof that W.H.O. uses the cover of COVID-19 to support communists, be they in China (with the CCP), in the USA (with the Marxist-led AntiFA and BLM), or in Cuba (with Communist President Miguel Díaz-Canel).