Give me four years to teach the children[,] and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.
Vladimir Lenin
Communists don’t care about the 4th amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
2021 Communist China = USSR on Technological Steroids
Excerpts from the video:
The [CCP] government is very strict with our data, as far as I know. I trust them.
^ Here’s a hint: The Chinese Communist Party does not trust YOU in return.
China’s state media boasts that police can identify every single person on the street in just one second.
^ Communist China: The World’s Largest Outdoor Prison
Well, it’s a bit embarrassing. I don’t want to admit how fast the time flies by [on my smartphone]. I have the feeling [that] you don’t just look at one or two videos. You endlessly scroll through.
^ It’s not just a feeling. It’s reality. You DO endlessly scroll through.
Videos [posted to TikTok] that are critical of [Communist] China don’t stand a chance.
^ No kidding!
[Communist] China has completely de-emphasized privacy and freedom of movement during the [Wuhan-virus] pandemic.
^ Communist China began “de-emphasizing” privacy and freedom of movement MANY years earlier.
When the [apartment] door’s [CCP] sensor registers people leaving the apartment in violation of the rules, we’re alerted. District staff and the health department are then informed and can respond quickly. … Criticism or resistance among the population is virtually nonexistent.
^ This sounds like Melbourne, Australia!
The family leaves a trail of digital footprints everywhere it goes.
^ This upper-middle-class family does not care, given that it benefits from the CCP’s stranglehold over Communist China.
[Communist] China wants obedient citizens.
^ All Communist governments want full control of their citizens.
You can control all [Xiaomi] devices on your smartphone.
^ Translation: The CCP can control your use of all Xiaomi devices.
…the [Communist Chinese] state always knows who’s coming and who’s going.
^ Humans are chattel in Communist China.
Communists focus on “social danger” and not personal guilt.
It’s as if Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn knew in 1973 what would happen to the USA in 2021 under the Biden administration:
…the heart of the matter is not personal guilt, but social danger. One can imprison an innocent person if he is socially hostile. And one can release a guilty man if he is socially friendly.
The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 1, p 282
Communists want to deny human nature.
Humans are both cooperative and competitive, and any group–from a clique of awkward teenagers to a professional soccer team to a military organization–will establish clear hierarchies. Humans are not indistinguishable and equal worker ants. E. O. Wilson, the Harvard entomologist and evolutionary biologist, is reputed to have said about socialism: “Great idea. Wrong species.” Any system that is built on a false understanding of human nature is doomed to fail. Building a society where the primary objective is to protect one’s fragile self-esteem from the dangers of competition will only lead to a society of weakness, entitlement, and apathy. Life is necessarily competitive; society is necessarily hierarchical. It does no one any favors to pursue a utopian vision of society where no one’s feelings are hurt.
The Parasitic Mind, by Gad Saad, p 190