Communist politicians use sign-language interpreters during their press conferences to give their proclamations a fake sense of greater authority:
Communists reclassify things to justify ever-increasing censorship.
Social media has become the vanguard for big tech’s censorship of any journalism, science, or free speech which challenges the narratives cast by the governments and their mainstream media conduits through big tech’s hegemony. … Now, Telegram takes center stage as the most recent target of this assault against free speech. German government officials have recently called for the messaging app to be reclassified as a social media platform so that it can be subject to strict regulations set forth under the country’s Network Enforcement Act. According to the German government the act which was signed into law in 2017 “aims to combat hate crime, criminal fake news and other criminal content on social media platforms more effectively.”
How an Australian Health Official Applies for Communist Party Membership
Communists create artificial crises and then claim that only they can solve them.
[Communist Herbert Marcuse] redefined “clear and present danger” to mean whatever he disliked, much as twenty-first century leftists do when they classify constitutionally protected gun ownership as a “public health crisis” or the predictions of fickle meteorological models as a “national emergency.” Rather than admit the enormity of his plan to reorder society, Marcuse pretended social circumstances had so shifted that his radical proposals actually fit within the American legal tradition.
Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds, by Michael Knowles, p 66
Communists create chaos and confusion by changing terms for the same concepts.
Language changes naturally over time, but the shift from “criminal” to “justice-involved person” did not come about through natural linguistic development. Rather, leftist academics, political activists, and bureaucrats contrived the new term, and left-wing journalists parroted it. The two terms reflect two different cultures: one in which people have moral agency, another in which they do not. Criminals break the law and deserve punishment. “Justice-involved persons” are passive characters; if active at all, they sound as though they pursue justice. And only a cruel society would punish someone for pursuing justice.
Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds, by Michael Knowles, p 48
Lenin copied Marx’s idea of central control.
Moreover, Lenin’s chief amendment to Marxism–“the vanguard party”–finds good intellectual warrant in the Founder himself. …there exists a deep connection between Marx’s idea of Communism as conscious, rational mastery over mankind’s collective fate and Lenin’s idea of the Party as the controlling vanguard of the spontaneous mass movement.
Signet Classics edition of The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, with an Introduction by Martin Malia and a New Afterword by Stephen Kotkin, p 29
Communists now fight a culture war, not a class war.
Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement, described herself and co-founder Alicia Garza as “trained Marxists.” The organization’s third co-founder, Opal Tometi, has been circumspect in her self-definition, though one may deduce Marxist sympathies from the several photographs of her smiling next to Venezuela’s Communist dictator Nicolás Maduro. Cullors, Garza, and Tometi share [U.S. Senator Bernie] Sanders’s basic Marxist framework. But they didn’t name their organization “Workers’ Lives Matter” or “Proletarian Lives Matter.” While Bernie focuses on wealth to fight a class war, BLM highlights race to wage a culture war.
Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds, by Michael Knowles, p 25