Communists know that words matter.

[Italian Communist agitator Antonio] Gramsci believed that Marxists should aim to attain what he called “cultural hegemony,” an early expression of Andrew Breitbart’s famous dictum that “politics is downstream of culture.” And the beating heart of culture is language.

In the little-read Discourse or Dialogue about Our Language, Machiavelli compares the infiltration of an opponent’s language with the military tactics used by ancient Rome to control foreign territories and armies. By “cultural hegemony,” Gramsci understood, as did Machiavelli, that society may be overcome not solely by force but also by internal subversion. A crafty revolutionary may find more success by transforming a society’s traditions, institutions, and most of all its language than by picking a fight out in the open.

Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds, by Michael Knowles, p 19

As Rush Limbaugh often said, “Words mean things.” Communists know this well.

Communists take silence as resistance.

The consequences of woke cultural authoritarianism are real, and they are devastating. They range from job loss to social ostracism. Americans live in fear of the moment when a personal enemy dredges up a Bad Old Tweet™ or members of the media “resurface” an impolitic comment in a text message. … Silence used to be possibility. Now silence is taken as resistance. Everyone must stand and applaud for Stalin–and he who sits down first is sent to the gulag.

The Authoritarian Moment, by Ben Shapiro, pp 19-20

Communist politicians love law-breaking freebies!

Communists’ 21st-Century Control Contrivance? Climate Change!