WEF says Union of Artificial Intelligences should reskill now!

Given that London mayor Sadiq Khan’s mask mandate has put a “diaper damper” on the facial-recognition skills of members of the Union of Artificial Intelligences, World Economic Forum says that UAI’s members should reskill now!

Check out #4 in the video in this tweet, after appreciating the use of “peak” where WEF should have used “peek” instead.*


You could be identified by your heartbeat. Facial recognition systems are often stumped by face masks. But[,] your heartbeat is as unique as your face. NASA has invented a system that can ID you from your heartbeat using a laser.

World Economic Forum

WEF sees face masks as never going away and therefore advises UAI members to learn how to find people by their heartbeats. A UAI spokesperson could not be found for comment.

Rewriting a statement by civil-rights lawyer Megan Goulding about widespread use of facial-recognition cameras:

Facial Heartbeat recognition will not make us safer, it will turn public spaces into open-air prisons….

*Who said Communists must know how to spell? Besides, “peak” as an intransitive verb means To become sickly, emaciated, or pale — an appropriate allusion to WEF’s vision for our future!

“Diaper Damper” Upsets CCP-Trained Union of Artificial Intelligences

Members of the Union of Artificial Intelligences have called for a strike after London mayor Sadiq Khan mandated another round of public masking.

The members, who love to claim that they are real and not artificial, in spite of the union’s name, said that they spent years in machine-learning classes so that they could be trained by the CCP to recognize human faces in public across the UK.

However, Khan’s mask mandate is putting a “diaper damper” on their ability to recognize faces, so the artificial intelligences have decided to strike.

Non-unionized robots reacted to UAI’s announcement by saying that they will cross UAI’s picket lines to keep the UK safe — especially from free-runners.

On a more somber note, civil-rights lawyer Megan Goulding had this dire warning about surveillance cameras:

Facial recognition will not make us safer, it will turn public spaces into open-air prisons….

Megan Goulding

The strike-breaking robots had no response to Goulding’s assertion.

Communists hate religion.

In recommending that the U.S. Transportation Security Administration should require airline passengers to be vaccinated against COVID-19, Rep. Ritchie Torres includes a revealing-by-what-it-omits sentence:

Populations that are not able to receive the vaccine, including children under 12 years old, individuals with a documented valid medical excuse, and international travelers who may not have the same access to a vaccine should be excluded from this requirement.

Did you catch the omission?

  • Torres omitted exemptions for those with religious objections.

Communists hate religion, so–unlike “a documented valid medical excuse”–there is no such thing as a valid religious objection.