Communists love guaranteed income, and nobody explains it better than Michael Eisenberg in this article:
Communists hate the First Amendment.
Remember: AntiFA means Anti-First-Amendment.
Communists hate the First Amendment.
Communists know that lying works.
Do you remember how politicians around the world told their constituents that it was those not vaccinated against COVID-19, including those who had natural immunity to it due to previous exposure, who were at the greater risk of hospitalization and death?
Check out this health-statistics-exposing tweet from a computational biologist:
Communist politicians want total control of their populations. Communists know that lying works. That’s why they keep doing it.
Obama bureaucrat promotes medical Marxism.
Karl Marx alleged in The Communist Manifesto that there was a class struggle between owners of the means of production, whom Marx saw as the oppressors, and the workers, whom Marx saw as the oppressed.
We can call this traditional Marxism.
BLM alleges that there is a race struggle between people who are not black, whom BLM sees as the oppressors, and blacks, whom BLM sees as the oppressed.
We can call this racial Marxism.
Now we have this tweet about an article in The Atlantic by Juliette Kayyem, a former assistant secretary for homeland security under President Barack Obama:
The Atlantic originally titled it “Unvaccinated People Belong on the No-Fly List” but retitled it to “Unvaccinated People Need to Bear the Burden” instead.
No matter the article’s title, Kayyem implies that there is a vaccination struggle between airline passengers who are not vaccinated for COVID-19, whom she sees as the oppressors, and airline passengers who are vaccinated for COVID-19, whom she sees as the oppressed.
We should call this medical Marxism.
Imagine… Communism
World Economic Forum’s tweet sounds like National Socialists 2.0.
… Gene-editing technology will allow us to redesign whole organisms. This could enhance every aspect of our existence…. We’re talking about improving biology and redesigning organisms for beneficial purposes. It’s going to allow us to not just edit genomes but also[,] and importantly, write a new code for life. We’ll have write-level permissions. … Technology will cut out unwanted sights and sounds. What’s on the horizon are diminished[-]reality glasses that look very much like what I’m wearing [and] that would allow you to remove things from your view, whether that’s garbage or other people. …
…tweeted the World Economic Forum some 90 years after a group of socialists in Germany–the National Socialists–began to promote Friedrich Nietsche’s concept of the Übermensch, which gave them moral permission to remove “other people” from view as garbage.
We know how that turned out.
American Medical Association supports Marxist feminism.
As Mark Levin notes in his book American Marxism, the Wiley Online Library describes Marxist feminism in this way:
Marxist feminism is a species of feminist theory and politics that takes its theoretical bearings from Marxism, notably the criticism of capitalism as a set of structures, practices, institutions, incentives, and sensibilities that promote the exploitation of labor, the alienation of human beings, and the debasement of freedom. For Marxist feminists, empowerment and equality for women cannot be achieved within the framework of capitalism. Marxist feminism is reluctant to treat “women” as a stand-alone group [emphasis added] with similar interests and aspirations. Marxist feminism thus distinguishes itself from other modes of feminist thought and politics by attending critically and systematically to the economic organization of societies, including stratification along the lines of class; by refusing to accord the category of “women” separate and special status [emphasis added], without regard to class; by its commitment to the overthrow of capitalism; and by its allegiance to working-class and impoverished women.
Thus, the American Medical Association supports Marxist feminism, per this tweet from WebMD on 30 July 2021: