Read the article here.
“Communists Burn the American Flag in Philadelphia on July 4th”
Read the article here.
Are you saying that Communist nations CAN have territorial disputes with one another? Say it isn’t so!
All this time we thought that Communists did not believe in property rights.
Now here’s this news about Communist Vietnam in a property-rights dispute with Communist China: “Vietnam bans Barbie movie over pro-Chinese map of disputed S. China Sea” at
“UK COVID Inquiry Reveals Just How Vast International Communist Conspiracy May Be”
Read the article here.
“My Socialist Hell: Venezuelan ‘Opposition’ Finds Its 14 Losers for Maduro’s Sham Election”
Read the article here.
Communists Love Surveillance Technology
In the final paragraph of “Hayward: Revolutions Around the World Fail to Catch the Spirit of 1776” at
The rising tyrannical super-power, China, is eager to help authoritarian regimes stay in power in the name of “stability,” providing them with benefits such as highly advanced surveillance technology.
Happy Independence Day.
CCP Leaders Accidentally Admit that They Are Buddhists!
You thought that all Communists are atheists? Think again!
Read “Communists Declare Dalai Lama Cannot Reincarnate Outside of China” at