Read the article here.
Tag Archives: Canada
Food-Production Liars — USSR: “We produce too much!” Canada: “We don’t produce enough!”
Read “Canada: Dairy Farmer Exposes Govt. Scheme to Hike Prices, Destroy Millions of Gallons of Milk” at
“Jordan Peterson sentenced to reeducation training”
Read the article here. Communists love “reeducation training” for their political enemies.
“Claim: Canadian Intelligence Warned Trudeau Chinese Communists Were Funding Political Candidates”
Read the article here.
CCP opens police stations in Canada.
Given that Justin Trudeau openly admires how the CCP rules China, is this any surprise? Learn more here.
CCP creates fake social-media accounts to spread fear about opening of rare-earth mines in USA and Canada.
What a surprise! Quelle surprise!