Tag Archives: Canada
Communists love capitalism…for themselves!
Read this for a superb example.
Mandate Protesters Are Justin Trudeau’s Mensheviks
Vladimir Lenin in 1903 used the term “Bolsheviks” to exaggerate the size of the support for his political faction, which was small, and used the term “Mensheviks” to minimize the number of his political opponents, who heavily outnumbered his faction. In 1898, Russian Marxists had organized the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party; this was illegal in …
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Canadian Costco Communists
Communists Love Secret Surveillance
Read more here.
CCP sees EU as UI…
…where “UI” refers to Useful Idiots:
Vladimir Lenin, meet Harsha Walia and Naomi Sayers.
Vladimir Lenin knew that Christianity weakened his brand of Communism. The one institution that continued to resist Lenin’s will was the Orthodox Church. Christianity and Lenin’s brand of Communism were bound to collide, eventually. Lenin had always intended to campaign against religion and, if he could, destroy the Church, but he bided his time. Lenin: …
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